Blog & Commentary

Simmons Hanly Conroy’s support blog is a place for clients and families to find news, education, and inspirational stories about the following areas of litigation: mesothelioma and asbestos, dangerous drugs and devices, consumer protection and mass torts, personal injury and environmental litigation.


Vatican Summit on Child Abuse Concludes Without Immediate Action

The Vatican summit on child abuse convened by Pope Francis has come to a close, and many survivors feel no closer to justice than they were before. The historic four-day summit, titled… Read More

Pope Francis Confirms Catholic Priests Sexually Abused Nuns for Years

Since 2014, when the Vatican revealed what the world believed to be the true extent of sexual abuse in the Catholic church, a steady stream of revelations has continued to emerge. This… Read More

Nearly 200 New Jersey Catholic Clergy Members Accused of Sexual Abuse

Early on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019, Newark’s archdiocese became the first of five dioceses in New Jersey to release a list of names of clergy members accused of sexually abusing minors. New… Read More

15 Attorneys General Take Action to Require Asbestos Reporting

Asbestos continues to endanger American homes, schools and workplaces, and Americans deserve to know exactly how and where. For decades now, the only way Americans have known to avoid asbestos has been… Read More

Nearly 300 Priests in Texas Accused of Sexual Abuse

Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church have released a list of nearly 300 priests who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse in Texas. In the words of Bishop Joe Vasquez of… Read More

World Cancer Day 2019 Calls Individuals and Governments to Action

World Cancer Day is about saving lives. Cancer kills 9.6 million people each year, more than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. At our current pace, that number is projected to rise to… Read More

Child Sex Abuse Survivors Can Now Sue NY Clergy for Abuse That Happened Decades Ago, Thanks to Senate Vote

For thousands of survivors who were sexually abused by members of the New York clergy, the battle for justice has taken a big step forward. In a landmark step forward Monday, the… Read More

New York City Includes CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, WalMart & Sackler Family in Opioid Lawsuit

Americans did not take billions of addictive opioid pills by accident. At every level of the pharmaceutical supply chain, from pharma executives to pharmacy managers, people who had a responsibility to look… Read More

Pennsylvania Catholic Priests Abused 1,000 Children, Largest-Ever Report Finds

Buried for 70 years, secret archives from six Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania have now revealed cases of sexual abuse at a devastating and unprecedented scale, involving 300 “predator priests” and at least… Read More

ADAO to Speak Up About Asbestos in Schools This Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Seven years ago, after an extrapleural pneumonectomy, Mike Mattmuller got the news most other mesothelioma patients will never hear: his cancer was in remission. Yet he wasn’t ready to relax. His recovery… Read More
