Blog & Commentary

Simmons Hanly Conroy’s support blog is a place for clients and families to find news, education, and inspirational stories about the following areas of litigation: mesothelioma and asbestos, dangerous drugs and devices, consumer protection and mass torts, personal injury and environmental litigation.


Asbestos in Famous U.S. Landmarks: Workers and Tourists at Risk of Exposure

Once known as a “miracle fiber” for properties useful in construction, asbestos is now far from remarkable. Today, we know that the mineral causes fatal health complications, including asbestosis and the rare… Read More

TSCA Reform, Future U.S. Asbestos Ban Uncertain in Trump Administration

In June 2016, President Obama signed into law the “Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act,” bringing about much-needed major reform to the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).… Read More

USA Gymnastics and Others Failed the Nation’s Children by Covering up Sexual Abuse Cases

Today, American children are suffering from a widespread epidemic of sexual abuse that doesn’t bear thinking about. The sooner this problem is faced head on, the better. The fact is, abuse can… Read More

Attend the 2017 International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma in Bethesda, MD

Every year, mesothelioma patients, caregivers, families, bereaved and professionals from the government, non-profit and medical industries gather together for three days. This expansive set of individuals congregates at the International Symposium on… Read More

The Institutions That Harmed Children: The Boy Scouts of America

Child sexual abuse is an issue that many people try not to think about, even going so far as to pretend that it doesn’t exist. But it does exist. The Perversion Files… Read More

Why States with a History of Shipbuilding Suffered from Higher Rates of Mesothelioma

Not everyone can control whether they develop cancer. Yet, research has shown time and time again that certain avoidable risk factors can increase one’s chances of developing cancer, such as chemical exposure,… Read More

2017 ADAO Asbestos Awareness Conference Set for April 7 to 9 in Washington, D.C.

Those fighting for an end to asbestos exposure saw a major win in 2016 when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prioritized asbestos as a top 10 high-risk chemical under the Lautenberg… Read More

World Cancer Day: What Does It Mean for Less Common Cancers Such as Mesothelioma?

Image Source: World Cancer Day Today, in the United States, there are 14 million new cancer cases and 8.2 million cancer deaths every single year. By 2030, these numbers are projected to… Read More

Union Health Fund Leaders Combat Rising Costs of Opioid Epidemic in the Workplace

Simmons Hanly Conroy Partner Paul Hanly Speaks at LIUNA Midwest Region Laborers’ Combating Opioid Abuse and Drug Free Workplace Conference Drug overdose deaths in the United States continue to increase, with more… Read More

Initiative Seeks to Pursue Justice for Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse

The most traumatic part of sexual abuse is recounting it – having to live through it again when all you want to do is move on. You may have been told to… Read More
