Blog & Commentary

Simmons Hanly Conroy’s support blog is a place for clients and families to find news, education, and inspirational stories about the following areas of litigation: mesothelioma and asbestos, dangerous drugs and devices, consumer protection and mass torts, personal injury and environmental litigation.


What to Do if You’ve Been Exposed to Asbestos

Many union workers exposed to asbestos have been led to believe that they have no legal options once they are diagnosed with mesothelioma. That’s not true. The St. Louis Labor Tribune, the… Read More

Newer Birth Control Pills Like Yaz Aren’t Always Better

New studies find Yaz three times more likely to cause fatal blood clots, while reported deaths near 200 Yaz birth control is three times more likely to cause fatal blood clots than older, oral… Read More

Defective Breathalyzer Tests Cause Hundreds of Wrongful California DUI Convictions

Ventura County, California sheriff deputies have discovered that hundreds of people may have been wrongly convicted of driving under the influence since January 2011 as a result of a type of suspected… Read More

Meet Julie Gundlach at the Muny to Promote Asbestos Awareness for Earth Day

This Sunday, Julie Gundlach, a client of the firm, will organize an asbestos awareness booth at the 22nd Annual St. Louis Earth Day Festival in Forest Park. The booth is called the… Read More

Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation Awards Funding to UPCI for Mesothelioma Study, Treatment

The Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation has partnered with another major university in its quest to support medical experts and researchers working to improve the quality of life for mesothelioma patients and their families.… Read More

Mesothelioma Survivor Julie Gundlach Receives Alan Reinstein Award

Julie Gundlach, a client of Simmons Hanly Conroy and an inspiration for mesothelioma patients everywhere, has been included as one of the honorees for the 7th Annual International Asbestos Awareness Conference, which… Read More

Fundraising Benefits Like Miles for Meso Are Important to Finding a Cure

The amount of research dollars for orphan diseases like mesothelioma is scarce. This is why benefit races like Miles for Meso, Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation initiative, are so vital to the effort of… Read More

Looking Back, Moving Forward

For me, December and the holiday season has always been a time to reflect on the past year. A time to remember the challenges we’ve overcome; the projects we’ve spearheaded; and the… Read More

Add Your Mesothelioma Story to “Voices on the Wall” Awareness Campaign

Asbestos is a human carcinogen with no safe level of exposure. This is truth that sadly thousands of people around the world discover every year when they learn the devastating news that… Read More

National Mesothelioma Awareness Day Becomes a Reality With Passing of H. Res 771, Creates a Long-Needed Platform For Advocacy Efforts

It’s been a long time in the making, but the mesothelioma community has finally achieved a monumental goal with the recent passage of H. Res. 771. The resolution officially makes Sept. 26… Read More
