Blog & Commentary

Simmons Hanly Conroy’s support blog is a place for clients and families to find news, education, and inspirational stories about the following areas of litigation: mesothelioma and asbestos, dangerous drugs and devices, consumer protection and mass torts, personal injury and environmental litigation.


“Killer in the Attic” News Series Emphasizes Dangers of Asbestos Exposure

Andrew Schneider has written a 4-part series for AOL News focusing on the dangers of asbestos-riddled zonolite insulation and the massive failure of the EPA to inform and protect the public. It’s… Read More

FDA Pulls Darvon, Darvocet from Market for Heart Risks

The maker of the pain killer medicine known as Darvon and Darvocet, or propoxyphene, announced last week it will stop making the popular drugs because it can cause serious heart rhythm abnormalities,… Read More

Have You Thanked A Veteran Today?

Simmons Hanly Conroy advocates for veterans who died from asbestos related diseases On this Veterans Day, please remember to light a candle in memory of those who gave their lives to protect… Read More

How to Keep Egg off Your Face Regarding Copyright Law

An Intellectual Property Attorney’s Thoughts on Copyright Law, the Internet and the Cooks Source Magazine Uproar What would you do, as an author, when you discover that a publisher has published a… Read More

Madison Square Garden asbestos scare needs to ignite broader safety dialogue

Officials canceled last night’s game at Madison Square Garden against the Orlando Magic because “asbestos-related” material fell from the building’s attic and landed on the arena. The asbestos material was dislodged because… Read More

Toyota Deja Vu: Automaker Issues Another Recall For Brake Concerns

Toyota once again finds itself in the crosshairs of public and media outcry. It issued its 16th recall Oct. 22, 2010, which pushed the total number of vehicles recalled this year past… Read More

Doctors on Pharma Payroll Not Always Experts, New Investigation Finds

Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? It’s a simple, but significant act on which our entire judicial system rests.… Read More

Help Make Sept. 26 National Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Please help to get House Resolution 771 out of committee and on to the House Floor for a vote by contacting your congressional representative. House Resolution 771 is a proclamation that, once… Read More

Vampire Definition Helps Settle Intellectual Property Infringement Case

Vampire pop culture recently contributed to a Simmons law firm client’s success in settling an on-going intellectual property infringement case. Hoodlums Welding Hoods is a small business that designs creative welding helmets.… Read More

Running Toward a Cure for Mesothelioma

Running is hard. Living with cancer is harder, especially when that cancer ismesothelioma. Saturday, I ran in the second Alton Miles for Meso 5K race, sponsored by the firm. I was privileged… Read More
