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The vast majority of harm caused by asbestos use in the United States was entirely preventable. As early as the first century, asbestos products were suspected to cause health problems. As asbestos use grew throughout the 20th century, the negative effects of asbestos exposure became more and more apparent.
Doctors began to link asbestos exposure to a variety of lung diseases, including the rare and aggressive cancer mesothelioma. If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be eligible for compensation from the companies that made the asbestos products you were exposed to.
Call (800) 326-8900 now to see if our asbestos attorneys can help your family. It costs nothing to speak with us. We also have registered nurses on staff who can help answer any medical questions you may have.
Thousands of products used in the home and the workplace still contain asbestos and therefore put you, and your families, at risk for diseases related to asbestos exposure.
To help you keep your family safe, the Simmons Hanly Conroy asbestos lawyers have assembled the following list of asbestos products.
Aerospace Products
Asbestos Construction Materials
Consumer Products